
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How the King of Pop got Popped

I think there's more to the death of the King of Pop "Michael Jackson". In my opinion, it's more like an "assisted suicide". Michael couldn't bring himself to telling his loyal, devoted, eager, anxious, thirsty and long-awaiting fans from around the world that he couldn't carry on with the show that was scheduled for July, 2009 at the O2 arena in London, England.
Initially, the show tagged "This is it" was meant to be for 10 concerts, which could earn him 50 million pounds, but was later increased by the organisers "AEG Live" to 50, as a result of the hefty financial profits to be made from the dates, with over 1 million tickets sold in less than 2 hours, with the show commencing in July 13, 2009.
Due to Michael's terrible financial status, as he had been deliquent/derelicted on his repayments of a $270 million loan secured against his music publishing holdings, even though they were making him as much as $75 million a year. He had been accused of spending recklessly on supposed irrelevant items, and the huge amount of money involved, he was compelled to accept the offer.
But later on, while rehearsing for the concerts, he discovered that he couldn't go on with the proposed plan, as he had not performed in a long while and his health couldn't carry him any longer. The last concert he had was the HIStory World Tour in 1997.
On July 25, 2009, Michael contracted one of his several doctor friends or better still his personal physician "Dr. Conrad Murray", who was also possibly his closest and the most trustworthy doctor he had at his disposal, telling him he was concerned about not wanting to disappoint his fans, and that he wanted a way out.
Dr. Murray possibly couldn't think of any solution to his question, so Michael suggested suicide, as this is not unfamiliar among celebrities. Celebrities like the acclaimed king of 'rock & roll' Elvis Presley, Anna Nicole Smith, Heath Ledger, and lately british fashion icon Alexander McQueen have used suicide as a way out of their depression. This made Dr. Murray disorganised and non-consentual to his suggestion. Michael then thought of another possible idea, he coaxed Dr. Murray to give him an overdose of the anesthetic propofol (diprivian) he had taken previously as a treatment for insomnia.
It was a hard decision to take for Dr. Murray, as he had few minutes to think it through over and over again. Dr. Murray succumbed/capitulated/acceded and the dreaded deed was done. Dr. Murray had to wait for a few minutes to see the reaction/antiphon before calling for help as previously planned by both men. Obviously, it wasn't the first time Dr. Murray administered this drug to Michael, as a doctor who loves his patients (or probably client in this case) a lot, and as a professional who knows the perfect quantity enough for a patient at his/her particular state or health condition, why would it be this one time that the event occured.
Eventually, the result came out, and the news spread online quickly causing websites to slow down and crash from user overload. I myself was on Twitter that night when i saw the inital tweet from TMZ of his cardiac arrest. I informed my then room-mate Tete-Timon of the development, before confirming of his death minutes later. TMZ was the first mainstream media to break the news, and their site crashed as a result.
Michael wouldn't know any inquiry as this would occur, that will put Dr. Murray in the spotlight and in a precarious/wobbly and unfortunate situation. In Dr. Murray's pledge with Michael, Michael probably asked him to promise he wouldn't let anyone know the actual events that occured no matter the pressure as it would be an insult/affronting/vitiating to his reputation.
Yes it is true the family of Michael suspects foul play in his death, especially his immediate elder sister "La Toya" and his father "Joe", what they do not know is that the foul play could come from Michael himself, and Michael is no longer around to speak for himself. Michael was too good to die, at least not so soon, unnowing to him that he made matters worse.

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