
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Kenyan mother names twins Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

A young Kenyan mother has named her newborn twin sons
after the U.S. president-elect and his defeated Republican

Millicent Owuor, 20, gave birth to Barack Obama and Mitt
Romney on Wednesday at the Siaya District Hospital in
southwest Kenya, according to the Standard.

Owuor told the Kenyan news outlet her sons' names will
always remind her of the election in the United States.

The hospital is near the village of Kogelo, where where
President Barack Obama's father was born and where his 90-
year-old stepgrandmother, Sarah Obama, resides.

Jubilant residents in Kogelo cheered Obama's victory as
results from the United States were reported.
Shouts of "Hail our Kogelo son" and "Obama is coming, open
the road for him" rang through the air as locals blew
vuvuzela horns in celebration, the Standard reports.
"If Obama did not win, I believe most projects here would
stall," Joseph Onyango told the Kenyan media outlet.
Kenyans hope Obama's re-election will harken a fresh start
for a U.S. relationship with Kenya, Reuters reports.
Obama visited sub-Saharan Africa just once during his first
four years as president—a stop of less than a day in Ghana,
according to Reuters.

If Obama does visit Kenya, maybe baby Barack can meet his
namesake and baby Mitt meet the U.S. president.

There's no word yet if there have been twins named Joe
Biden and Paul Ryan.

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