Omar Borkan Al Gala, as you'll see in the photos below, is just too damn handsome. The man from the United Arab Emirates was visiting Saudi Arabia for a festival. But he and two of his colleagues were asked to leave for fear they would corrupt the country's women. The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices thought he was too hot for the ladies to handle. Which he is. I mean, imagine what could happen!
Women would wake up to the handsome possibilities and start nagging their own husbands. "Why can't you trim your beard like (SIGH) Omaaaaar does?" "Couldn't you grow your hair out just a little bit like (hand over heart) Omaaaaaar does?" "It's hard to tell from his clothing, but it appears Omar (mmmm) performs some sort of regular exercise to keep his figure so trim. I like that!" There would be no end to it! Men would start feeling bad about themselves. We can't have that.
And with Omar's handsome visage burned into these women's memory, what's to stop them fromthinking about him all day, every day, in various states of undress? Nothing! Nothing at all. So if you're trying to curtail the lustful thoughts of an entire population, it's clear that you cannot allow a man like Omar Borkan Al Gala into your country.
Obviously you'd like to see what this man looks like, yes? Here you go. Enjoy your impure thoughts. I'll get you started. He's driving while you caress his arm and inhale the warm scent from his collar. He pulls over. It's a country road and there's nobody around ... Omar, I think I speak for all of us when I say: YOU ARE WELCOME TO VISIT OUR COUNTRY ANY TIME.